Friday, September 23, 2011


This last weekend I made a kind of a spur of the moment trip down to Oklahoma to visit my brother and sister in law for his birthday along with my parents. He is now a whopping quarter of a century old! So on Friday I got off of work, packed and hit the road. But first my hubby made me some coffee for the road. About 5 hours later I got to their place and we all chatted for a few hours and went to bed and thanks to the coffee I drank earlier my eyelids were twitching while I was trying to fall asleep.

After a good nights sleep we had breakfast and then went to the Oklahoma State Fair. There we saw the normal fair stuff, animals, a ton of food and a bunch of different vendors. In one of the building they had a bunch of newly born animals, we saw about 20 piglets and some chicks.

Once done with the fair we went decided to go to dinner but first we went to the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial. The memorial was amazing. For each person that was killed on April 19, 1995 they placed a chair for them and a small chair for the kids overlooking a reflecting pool that light up at night.

Then on Sunday we all went to breakfast then hit the road. My parents and I were able to caravan until Wichita so my mom road with me until then, then we headed our separate ways.

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