Then on Saturday we went to the Overland Park Botanical Gardens. I have not been there in such a long time to just look at the flowers. There were so many flowers that I have not seen before and everything was landscaped so amazing. I just wish that I had the patience and the talent to landscape our yard like that. Later that afternoon we went to visit Neal at work and bring him lunch. Once Neal got off of work we went out to dinner at Oklahoma Joe's BBQ. YUM!
On Sunday we went to church. Then we had a lazy afternoon which included napping and then we went to the Nelson-Atkins Museum. While there we made a quick look through a few of the galleries. Since by the time we got there they were only open an hour more. So we looked at some of the main exhibits. While inside I also saw the most boring job ever, a coat taker in the middle of the summer.
Then we went outside and looked at the different sculptures around the grounds. And just had to stand in front of the biggest lightning rod ever. Which was actually a giant metal tree.
Then with our tummies rumbling we headed home where White Chicken Chili that I had put in the crock pot earlier that day was waiting for us. Then for dessert we went over the Sherdian's Frozen Custard for ice cream.
On Monday Julie headed home. It was so great to have Neal's mom come and visit us. After she left our house was a bit quiet.
Later that afternoon Neal and I decided that we wanted to go back to the Nelson-Atkins so we went down there again, but found that it was closed. So we drove over the the Plaza and went into the Apple store and an awesome kitchen gadget store. Then we headed home.
I always love long weekends that we can just hang out and not really have too many plans to go or things to do.
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