As the baby grows bigger its acrobatics are becoming much stronger. For me, with more powerful movements it means a bigger baby thus a bigger belly. And with a bigger belly sleeping is getting so much harder making it
more difficult for me to find comfortable sleeping positions. I seem to
be waking up about 3:30-4am and can't fall asleep until about 5 or so
and I feel like I am just barely getting good sleep in time for me to
get up in the morning. Being tired is just one of the things that I am
dealing with. Another thing I am finding is that things I was able to do
easily just a few weeks ago, like doing my weekly cleaning/ laundry now
kick my butt and then I am completely useless for a day or two. So I
think this is my body's way of telling me that I need to slow down and
not feel like I have to get everything done in one day like I use to.
As the arrival of our little one quickly approaches (we only have
about 10 weeks left) we are frantically (for me frantically in slow
motion) trying to get everything ready. We have started to get our
nursery ready. As of right now it is our office, so we are cleaning out/
rearranging our spare room so we can move things from the nursery to
the spare room. By doing this we have been able to donate a ton of stuff
to Goodwill and toss a ton of other things. I do have to say that I
think that Neal loves this since I tend to want to keep things and now I
am just wanting to get rid of things! I also feel really good about
this since I know that most of the boxes that I have stuff in have been
in those boxes for a long time and I have not missed them; thus, getting
rid of things that I have not missed has been wonderful.
Week 30 |
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