Saturday, July 12, 2008

And the Planning Starts

Ok, I have only been engaged for about a week but both Neal and I have been so excited about getting engaged and starting the wedding planning process. We have already started throwing ideas out for where we want to have it, what we want to do during the wedding and so much more. Having all these different ideas going through my head has helped to pass the time when I am by myself. For those of you that do  not know I am living in Olathe, KS and Neal is living Colorado Springs, CO. so we do not get to see each other very often right now. Having something to work on together makes me feel like we are closer than we actually are which is really nice. Having on one that I can talk to here about our exciting time is a bit hard sometimes. There seems like that there is so much to do and so little time. But in all reality there is plenty of time and lots of people to help. I have been spending my time at Panera or the Library on- line since I so not have internet at home looking a various locations  and different ideas  for themes and color and anything else that one could think of that has to do with wedding. By the way did I say that I am so excited?!!!!

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