Lets first start with Labor Day weekend. I came home to Colorado to spend the long weekend with my family. It was so nice to be able to see everyone as always. My cousin Jenny was on leave from the Air Force from her deployment in Honduras and it was wonderful to be able to spend time with her since I have not seen her in quite some time. Ne-J was also extremely excited to see Jamba and Sydney. The night we arrived we walked into the house and Ne-J and Jamba pretty much attacked each other and ended up playing for about 2 hours before we separated them and went to bed. The whole weekend consisted of seeing Neal, my family and a few friends. I really had nothing planned and ended up just hanging out and relaxing.
Then the weekend after Labor Day I went camping in Lebanon, MO with my church. It was such an amazing time to be able to fellowship with God and other people in the church. Ne-J was great through out the weekend. She did amazing around all the little kids and was so gentle with them. I thought that she would be crazy around them but she was so calm when they wanted to pet her.
On Saturday we went on a float trip down the Niangua River. We canoed about 8 miles down the river. I was so happy that our canoe did not flip especially since Ne-J kept wanting to stand on the side of the boat and every time she would do this the canoe would rock. She only jumped out once but we were only in about 4 inches of water when we got grounded and had to push our canoe a bit into deeper water.

On the look out to find a good place to play in the water....

Just guarding lunch from the fish....
Then that evening after the float trip we all had dinner together. After dinner a campfire was started and we sang songs and worshiped. And you cant go camping without have a s'more so that is what we did roasted marshmallows and made s'mores it was great fun.

Then on Sunday the guys of the church made everyone breakfast. After breakfast we went down to the river and had the Sunday morning church service where there were about 6 people who got baptized in the river. It was so cool to watch these young people profess there love for Jesus. Such an amazing weekend